Perch The white perch is the close relative of the striped bass. They can
be found in salt, brackish, and fresh waters, often traveling in schools
in river channels or the open waters of the Bay. During the spring
they travel far upstream to spawn. Perch usually strike at underwater
lures that mimic small fish and are allowed to drift along with the
current. Fishing along rocky shorelines can also be effective way of
catching perch.
Common Names |
Perch, White Bass |
Scientific Name |
Morone americana |
Size |
Average Weight |
2 lbs. or less |
Minimum Size Limit* |
Possession Limit* |
Season |
Lure |
Jigs, spoons, rappala, worms |
Bait |
Bloodworms |
World Record |
Virginia Record |
Citation Size |
* All regulations
are subject to change throughout the year. Always check with
the Virginia Marine Resource Commission for new regulations before
you go fishing @ 757-247-2200 or www.state.va.us/mrc/homepage.htm |